About Inner Nature
These words above reflects our current feelings most accurately.
At its core, this word embodies the ancient Japanese concept of 'MOTTAINAI.
'MOTTAINAI' consists of 3R(Recycle/Reuse/Reduce)& Arigato & Respect.
Mainly in local Markets, we suggest small things we can do now with laundry, dishwashing, body & pet care.
Encounters with The Zen of Cat have cleared up the idea of 'MOTTAINAI'.
We have been working under slogans such as "Sustainable," "Plastic Free," and "Ocean Care," but we felt that something was missing.
And it became clear what it was.
It was because we came across the word "MOTTAINAI," which is Japanese for "Too good to waste”.
But we think 'MOTTAINAI' is not just about not wasting, it is rooted in a deeper, more Japanese philosophy.
The question of Carla who is author of The Zen of Cat gave us the opportunity to reconsider 'MOTTAINAI', and we realized that it is related to ancient Japanese thought such as Shintoism and Buddhism.
The word 'MOTTAINAI' was brought to attention by Kenyan environmentalist Wangari Maathai, who described it as 'MOTTAINAI', which is the three R's - reduce, reuse and recycle - plus respect.
We at Inner Nature would like to add another word to that, “Arigato”.
In English, the word "Arigato" is "thank you," but in Japanese, it originally means "rare occurrence “ and it includes gratitude from the feeling of being seldom seen.
In environmental issues, the three R's are easy to understand guideline, and our idea is that Respect and Arigato are rooted in the three R’s.
We will continue to introduce specific examples and episodes of 'MOTTAINAI'.
~What we do for sustainable living~
Every day, we are engaging in environmentally friendly practices such as:
・The containers for our products that we sell are made of glass or tin.
・We do not use any plastic for packaging paper or bags.
Recycled paper is used for our business cards.
・For food and beverages at our market stall, we use keep cups and containers (and also bring our own cutlery).
・For online orders delivery, we offer for environmentally conscious options like Sendle.
・No plastic products are used for packaging online orders.
・Solar-powered lights are used for display at the market stall.
・Our banners used at the market are made of cotton material and printed with plant-based ink.
・Privately, we use soapberries for laundry, our Jute Dishwash cloth for dishwashing, primarily engage in water-only hair washing with occasional use of shampoo bars, and utilize plant-based brushes for body washing.
・We strive to purchase food in bulk whenever possible and opt for locally sourced vegetables and fruits.
